7 Ways to Boost Your Mood Naturally

Take advantage of mother nature's mood boosters. You'd love a little boost of serenity, joy, and happiness, but you'd love to get it naturally. Whether you're pregnant or are worried about the slippery slope of dependency that can occur with presc
Read More28-Day Plan to Stop Cravings

Find out how to stop those pesky cravings with Dr. Mike Dow’s foolproof plan. Cravings can be your worst enemy when you’re trying to lose weight. And what a lot of people don’t know is that certain foods can fuel cravings even more, making i
Read More5 Natural Ways To Prevent Early Onset Dementia

Research shows your brain starts to noticeably slow down as early as your 40's, particularly if you do nothing to combat it. he Brain Fog Fix is about taking better care of your brain to help fight anxiety, depression, brain fog, scatterbrain, and
Read MoreDr. Mike Dow’s Booster Food List

Retrain your brain to stop craving unhealthy foods by incorporating the foods on this list into your diet. Everything on this list is a booster food, hand picked by Dr. Dow to help you on your 28-day journey to stop craving the foods that hinder your
Read MoreDr. Mike Dow: Rehab Your Diet in 5 Simple Steps

Addiction expert Dr. Mike Dow, author of "Diet Rehab," host of TLC's "Freaky Eaters" and co-host of VH1's "Couples Therapy," offers these five steps for getting your diet back on track. Watch how Dr. Mike Dow's 28-day "Diet Rehab" plan helped one
Read MoreHow to beat midlife brain fog

It’s a cruel scientific fact that our brains start to slow down past 40. But a brilliant new book reveals how to beat the inevitable slump It can be frightening to accept that ageing means a decline in brainpower Lots of stress and not ex
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