You Have the Power to
Heal Your Broken Brain
As many of you know, my brother suffered a massive stroke when he was just 10 years old. His miraculous recovery taught me an invaluable lesson: no matter who you are, what condition or disease you’re facing, or how young or old you may be – you have the power to heal your brain.
In fact, the seemingly insignificant actions you choose each and every day make a profound difference in your brain health. The breakfast food you choose this morning, the number of steps you take this afternoon, and the way you spend your free time this evening all the have the power to change your brain for the better – or the worse.
In The Brain Fog Fix, I wrote about ways to treat depression, scatterbrain, senior moments, and mommy brain with a whole person centered approach. Now, Healing the Broken Brain tackles a condition that affects so many people: stroke. This book will teach stroke survivors how to recover, how family members can support them, and how we can all make simple changes in our lives to prevent strokes. With the sharp increase in younger and middle aged adults having strokes, this information has become more vital than ever. Order your copy now and receive a Free Gift. See details below.
In good health,
Dr. MIke Dow

4 FREE Chapters of The Brain Fog Fix
A new epidemic is sweeping the country. Some people call it “ADHD,” “scatter brain,” or “brain fog.” And some people simply say they “just don’t feel like themselves”—and haven’t for a long time. People are thinking and feeling worse than ever. Why? Because our brains are not getting the support they need to produce the essential brain chemicals that keep us energized, calm, focused, and inspired.
Simply download the PDF file and instantly read 4 FREE chapters of The Brain Fog Fix on any device!

“An insightful and comprehensive how-to guide to surviving stroke.”

“A groundbreaking guide for the prevention and treatment of stroke.”

“As the mother of a child who suffered a life-threatening brain injury, I know the power of combining hope with science in healing broken brains. With this book, Mike and David have provided that combination to all stroke survivors and the family members who believe in them.”

“Dr. Mike and his brother David reveal a profound truth in this incredible book: spiritual growth and faith are required when faced with life’s most difficult roadblocks.”
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